

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Potty Encouragement

My son loves Winnie the Poo. So in order to encourage him in potty training, I made him this game.  It's called, "Help Poo Get To The Honey Pot In The Tree".  Every time Abishai tells me that he has to go to the potty, Poo gets to move another stone closer to the tree.  After four times, Abishai gets a chocolatey treat. But he has to tell me; It can't be me reminding him or taking him there myself.  I think Abishai likes the challenge of getting Poo to the honey pot, because now Abishai can pull down his pants, get on the potty and (attempt to) wipe all by himself.  Sometimes, he says "No thank you mommy"  when I offer him his treat.  Congratulations, Abishai, on successfully completing potty training!   

1 comment:

  1. How great that your son is now potty training! I love the idea of the encouragement poster Renae! It has given me great ideas to work with our little guy in a few months time. Thank you for sharing this great idea!
