

Friday, April 25, 2014

Lent Activites #5

Unfortunately we didn't get to do all 12 lent activities that I'd hoped to do from Sense of the Resurrection. But we did make it pretty far, missing out on only 3.

For this activity we read Mark 15:21-32, and talked about Jesus' sacrifice for us.  We put a red dot on our hands to remind us of the marks where the nails went into Jesus' hands.  
We also read John 19:23-30, where Jesus drank vinegar just before he died.  The boys tasted a spoonful of pure vinegar to see how bitter it can be.  It was an activity that showed us how Jesus took the bitterness of our sin upon himself.
Doesn't taste so good, does it!
Crosses in our Easter Garden.  The purple cross represents Jesus' royalty.  He is our King!

I've been busy organizing again.  Like the Lego instructions, our costumes get tossed around the room every time one of the boys digs through the bin.  What a clean up job they're left with then!  I just had to find another solution.
I went out and bought 24 children's hangers and hung up the majority of the costumes.  24 hangers was not enough (Grandma so generously keeps adding to our collection), so the rest of the costumes went back in the bin until I could buy more hangers.  I was sceptical as to whether this solution was going to work (I still am), but we're on week three and the costumes keep getting hung back up in the closet (and not by me).  Way to go boys!
Friends are always fun to have over.  The more Super Heroes, the better.
And Vikings too!
We've been having some personal reading time.  A little extra "quiet time" and reading practice.

We've continued learning about the neighbourhood around us through Come Sit By Me. We're learning what to do when we're lost. What the police do and how they can help us and keep us safe.
Along with the theme of being lost, we looked at camoflage creatures who conceal themselves from danger.  Some of them were really hard to find!
Questions the boys should know how to answer if they ever get lost.
We did a chromatography science experiment.  We found the hidden colours within a colour (secondary colours only).
We're currently reading through James and the Giant Peach.
Other categories we've been reading from include fairy tales, history, poems, character, art and science.

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