

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ancient Egypt

This week, Ancient Egypt was the place to be. 6:15am, and Abishai was dressed with his bed already made, relaxing on the chaise reading a history picture book before breakfast.  Quiet moments...
Extra history reading.  Ms. Frizzle's Adventures was our favourite.  The Great Wonder was good too.

For Bible time this week we looked at Luke 8:19-21 and discussed who Jesus' mother and brothers are. We made a family tree of people who love and follow Jesus and whom the boys know personally.  We went out and gathered leaves from around the neighbourhood.
With our home undergoing repairs, we had to be out of the house, so we went to our church to homeschool for the day.  Here we're up on the children's ministry floor.  The boys love coming here to play.

Abishai putting together his Jesus' family tree project.
 Micaiah's completed tree.
Abishai's completed tree.
Asher having his afternoon nap on the children's ministry stage.
Micaiah playing quietly while Asher sleeps.
Back at home...
Life Science this week: Buffalo and Bison
People often ask how I homeschool with little ones under foot.  The truth is that I'm not really sure; it just happens. On this particular day, Asher quietly played kitchen while I taught Abishai. 
Micaiah practicing his letters.
Art lessons for Abishai.
We went hunting and scavenging for firewood in the nearby woods.  I told Abishai this is what the Nomads would have done to collect their firewood for cooking and keeping warm. Abishai can't seem to get enough of the Nomads, even though we've moved onto learning about Ancient Egypt.

Then we came home and used the wood in our fireplace.  Asher was very eager to help.

Some other things that occupied our week...
Asher after his hair cut.  I look up mens haircuts on Pinterest, then hack away.

Micaiah after his.
Playing the game "Sorry".  Superhero version of course.
We have so many costumes.  They seem to just magically appear out of thin air. Thanks Grandma Redekopp. 

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