

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Blanket Reading

Sometimes we cozy up to the light of the window with a blanket and a pile of books.  We read and look at pictures.  Today was Grimm's Fairy Tales and Beatrix Potter.  Abishai enjoys leafing through the pages, looking at the pictures.


  1. I am so thankful to have a toddler who loves to read. Today she had a temper tantrum that I couldn't get her out of so I brought her up to her room and put her on her bed. (I didn't close the door but she won't go down the stairs when she is having a fit.) 5 mins later she was quiet and I peeked up and she was sitting with all her stuffies reading her library books. I asked her if she wanted to come down and she said "not yet" and read for 15 mins or so until I peaked in on her again and she wanted to come down with me. ;)

  2. Reading with her stuffies sounds so cute.

  3. Reading is so cool,my parents were great fans of libraries,so I was brought up with a wide reading view point. cheers from New Zealand Marie
